Ossicular chain reconstruction is the primary method of restoring conductive hearing deficit seen in chronic middle ear disease. Many factors affect outcomes in this procedure including the middle ear environment, status of the Eustachian tube, surgical technique, type of prosthesis and status of residual ossicular remnants. Many materials have been used for Ossiculoplasty including both biologic and alloplastic materials, with varying degrees of success. This study was done to evaluate the efficacy of preserved septal cartilage as ossicular reconstruction prosthesis in patients with mucosal type of COM (chronic otitis media) with ossicular discontinuity.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of preserved septal cartilage as ossicular reconstruction prosthesis in patients with mucosal type of COM with ossicular discontinuity.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study of 20 patients with mucosal type of COM, undergoing Ossiculoplasty was conducted at a teaching tertiary care hospital from January 2019 to July 2020.
Results: A total 20 patients (13 males and 7 females) between the age group of 18-60 years with mucosal type of COM with ossicular discontinuity were included in the study. Out of 20 patients 18 patients (90%) had improvement in A-B gap (air bone gap) after surgery and 2 patients had no improvement in A-B gap after 3 months of follow up. The mean hearing gain was 12.25±7.23 dB which was statistically significant (p value 0.001).
Conclusion: Preserved septal cartilage is a good material for ossicular reconstruction in terms of postoperative hearing improvement and closure of A-B gap. By giving careful attention to the principles of ossicular construction and understanding basic principles and applying them in clinical practice, it is possible to give more desirable hearing results for the patients.
Keywords:Ossiculoplasty, septal cartilage
Abbreviations: COM: Chronic Otitis Media
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